郝鹏程,王创业,刘猛,等. 基于强度和渗透性的煤炭地下气化采收率分析[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(9):3562−3572. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.1097
引用本文: 郝鹏程,王创业,刘猛,等. 基于强度和渗透性的煤炭地下气化采收率分析[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(9):3562−3572. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.1097
HAO Pengcheng,WANG Chuangye,LIU Meng,et al. Analysis of recovery rate for underground coal gasification based on strength and permeability[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(9):3562−3572. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.1097
Citation: HAO Pengcheng,WANG Chuangye,LIU Meng,et al. Analysis of recovery rate for underground coal gasification based on strength and permeability[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(9):3562−3572. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.1097


Analysis of recovery rate for underground coal gasification based on strength and permeability

  • 摘要: 中深层煤炭地下气化是新型的煤炭利用技术,尚缺乏采收率评价标准。剩余煤墙强度和气体渗透性是气化后地层安全性的重要评价指标。为确保气化后地层安全性,基于强度和渗透性理论,采用有限元法对多因素影响下煤层应力分布状态进行分析,得到不同载荷作用下煤层产生裂纹的临界条件,确定不同形状气化腔、不同厚度煤层以及不同地层压力和工作压力下的最小预留煤墙厚度;采用Darcy定律对煤层渗透率进行分析。根据强度和渗透率计算地下气化过程可用于气化的煤量,结合煤炭采区回采率和油田原油采收率定义煤炭地下气化采收率,并针对不同煤层厚度、不同形状气化腔进行了采收率计算。研究结果表明,煤炭地下气化无法以回采率衡量其采收率,因气化腔的圆柱/圆锥形状特点,其采收率低于煤炭开采过程的回采率,预留安全煤墙后,煤炭地下气化采收率进一步降低。随着煤墙厚度的增加,采收率逐渐降低,但煤墙厚度对厚煤层影响较小,对薄煤层影响较大。煤层越厚,需要预留的最小煤墙厚度越大,但采收率越高,尤其是梨形气化腔更是如此。与煤炭开采不同,煤炭地下气化采收率受煤层厚度影响较大,如果采用梨形气化腔,薄煤层的开采价值较低。煤炭地下气化解决了深层煤炭的开采利用问题,由于国内外尚未建立起煤炭地下气化采收率评价方法,该研究结果可为煤炭地下气化选址、资源评价和气化工艺的制定提供参考,也可为煤炭地下气化采收率标准的制定提供参考。


    Abstract: The medium and deep underground coal gasification (UCG) is a new technology of coal utilization, and there is still lack of criterions to evaluate recovery rate. The strength of remaining wall between the gasification chambers and the gas permeability are two important factors indicating the safety of the formation. To ensure the safety of the formation after gasification, the recovery rate was defined according to the wall strength and seam permeability theory. Firstly, the stress distribution of target coal seam under the influence of the multiple factors was analyzed through the finite element method, and the critical conditions of crack under different loads were analyzed. The minimum wall thickness between the gasification chambers was determined under different conditions, such as different shape of the gasification chamber, different thickness of the coal seam, and different formation pressure and working pressure. Secondly, the Darcy Law was used to analyze the coal seam permeability quantitatively. Thirdly, the amount of coal could be used by the underground coal gasification process was calculated, and the recovery rate of underground coal gasification was defined based on the mining rate of coal and the recovery rate of crude oil. Finally, the recovery rates of different formation thicknesses and different gasification chambers were calculated and analyzed. The research results reveal that the recovery rate of UCG cannot be measured by the mining rate. Due to the cylindrical/conical shape of the gasification chamber, the recovery rate is lower than that of coal mining. Because a wall between the gasification chambers is kept to support the roof rock, the recovery rate of UCG is reduced further. With the increase in the wall thickness, the recovery rate decreases. However, the influence of wall thickness on the thick coal seam is minor, while the influence on the thin coal seam is greater. The thicker the coal seam, the thicker the wall between the chambers. On the other hand, the recovery rate of thick coal seam is greater than that of thin coal seam, especially for the pear-shaped gasification chamber. Different from coal mining, the recovery factor of UCG is affected significantly by the thickness of the coal seam. If a pear-shaped gasification chamber is used, the mining value of thin coal seam is low. Underground coal gasification provides a solution for deep coal mining and utilization. Since no UCG recovery rate evaluation method has been established universally, the results of this work provide a reference for the site selection, resource evaluation and gasification process of underground coal gasification, as well as the formulation of UCG recovery rate criterions.


