李学现, 顾清华, 阮顺领, 冯治东. 考虑能耗动态变化的露天矿卡车运输最优路径规划[J]. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(S1): 590-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.XR20.1687
引用本文: 李学现, 顾清华, 阮顺领, 冯治东. 考虑能耗动态变化的露天矿卡车运输最优路径规划[J]. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(S1): 590-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.XR20.1687
LI Xuexian, GU Qinghua, RUAN Shunling, FENG Zhidong. Optimal transportation path planning of truck in open-pit mine under dynamic energy consumption[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2021, 46(S1): 590-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.XR20.1687
Citation: LI Xuexian, GU Qinghua, RUAN Shunling, FENG Zhidong. Optimal transportation path planning of truck in open-pit mine under dynamic energy consumption[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2021, 46(S1): 590-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.XR20.1687


Optimal transportation path planning of truck in open-pit mine under dynamic energy consumption

  • 摘要: 在露天矿生产过程中,运输成本占生产总成本的50%以上。随着露天矿开采深度的加深,卡车运输距离不断增大,随之带来了运费的大幅上升,如何合理安排卡车的运输路线是建立高效经济运输系统的关键所在。由于露天矿道路环境复杂多变,卡车在不同路况的行驶消耗是随时会发生变化的,已有的研究大多考虑静态的运输成本或燃料消耗作为模型建立的影响因素,因此很难真实反映卡车的实际运输状况。针对此问题,通过分析卡车道路行驶的消耗过程,将卡车运输的过程分为克服道路阻力做功和提升矿岩势能做功2个部分,综合考虑卡车载重量、卡车行驶速度、道路等级、道路坡度以及运输距离5个影响因素,建立了以最小化总运输功为目标的露天矿最优路径规划模型。考虑露天矿的特殊性,在基本蚁群算法研究的基础上,提出了一种适合求解露天矿路径问题的改进蚁群算法。该算法采用路段运输功作为启发式因素,用于计算路径节点之间的转移概率,然后利用自适应动态因子对种群信息素的更新过程进行调节,并且通过引入交叉算子和变异算子丰富种群的多样性,以提高算法的全局收敛能力。最后以河南省某大型露天矿山为例进行实际应用。结果表明,建立的模型能精细化地反映矿区道路环境下卡车的实际运输状态,在众多影响因素中,道路质量和地形坡度是影响路径选择的关键因素。


    Abstract: In the production process of open-pit mines, transportation costs account for more than 50% of the total production costs.With the deepening of open-pit mining, truck transportation distances continue to increase, which results in a substantial increase in transportation cost.How to arrange truck transportation routes reasonably is the key for establishing an efficient and economic transportation system.Due to the complex and changeable road environment in open-pit mines, the consumption of trucks in different road conditions will change at any time.Most of the existing studies consider static transportation costs or fuel consumption as the influencing factors for model establishment, so it is difficult to truly reflect the truck's actual transportation conditions.To overcome this problem, this paper analyzes the consumption process of trucks on the haul road, and divides the process of truck transportation into two parts: overcoming haul road resistance and improving ore and rock potential energy.With the comprehensive consideration of five influencing factors including truck weight, truck speed, road grade, road slope and transportation distance, an optimal path planning model for open-pit mines with the goal of minimizing the total transportation power is established.Considering the particularity of the open-pit mines, an improved ant colony algorithm suitable for solving the open-pit mine path problem is proposed based on the basic ant colony algorithm research.The algorithm uses the road section transportation power as a heuristic factor to calculate the transition probability between nodes, and uses an adaptive dynamic factor to adjust the updated process of the population pheromone.In addition, the diversity of the population has been enriched by introducing crossover operators and mutation operators, and the global convergence capability has been improved.Finally, a large open-pit mine in Henan Province is taken as an example for practical application.The results show that the model can finely reflect the actual transportation status of trucks in the haul road environment of mining areas.Among the many influencing factors, road quality and terrain slope are the key factors that affect route selection.


