秦冰, 郝建峰, 梁冰, 孙维吉, 秦新伟, 李存洲. 煤与瓦斯共采非线性约束多变量时空协同优化模型[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S2): 593-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.Y019.0009
引用本文: 秦冰, 郝建峰, 梁冰, 孙维吉, 秦新伟, 李存洲. 煤与瓦斯共采非线性约束多变量时空协同优化模型[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S2): 593-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.Y019.0009
QIN Bing, HAO Jianfeng, LIANG Bing, SUN Weiji, QIN Xinwei, LI Cunzhou. Nonlinear constrained multivariable spatiotemporal collaborative optimization model for coal and gas co-mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S2): 593-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.Y019.0009
Citation: QIN Bing, HAO Jianfeng, LIANG Bing, SUN Weiji, QIN Xinwei, LI Cunzhou. Nonlinear constrained multivariable spatiotemporal collaborative optimization model for coal and gas co-mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S2): 593-600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.Y019.0009


Nonlinear constrained multivariable spatiotemporal collaborative optimization model for coal and gas co-mining

  • 摘要: 实现煤与瓦斯共采是深部煤炭资源开采的必然途径。我国煤与瓦斯共采技术的工程应用已有雏形,但目前为止还未形成有效性、科学性、针对性的煤与瓦斯共采技术相配套的煤与瓦斯共采基础理论体系。由于煤与瓦斯共采的时效性、协同性差,瓦斯抽采效率低,生产接替关系紧张,导致还没有达到抽采效果就不得不开始采煤,给开采造成较大的安全隐患,瓦斯抽采量、煤炭开采量、抽采时间、采煤与抽采瓦斯如何衔接等目前还不清楚。煤与瓦斯共采中,为了在追求两种资源的总体收益最大化同时,满足煤炭、瓦斯资源采出率最大化,寻找最优的煤炭采出量和瓦斯抽采量,使得煤炭开采系统和瓦斯抽采系统由无序变为有序的协同。采用协同学、系统优化理论建立煤炭开采与瓦斯抽采协同作用模型,在满足煤炭开采安全规程和瓦斯抽采达标等规范要求前提下,以煤与瓦斯共采中煤炭开采、采前瓦斯预抽、采中瓦斯抽采、采空区瓦斯抽采等各个阶段关键的时间点、空间点的煤炭回采与瓦斯抽采两子系统间相互促进和相互制约关系为约束条件,选取煤炭资源采出率、瓦斯资源采收率以及经济效益最大化为煤与瓦斯共采优化目标函数,其中考虑开采成本、销售价格、安全因素和宏观政策等因素,以煤炭采出量xc和采前瓦斯预抽量xg1、采中瓦斯抽采量xg2、采空区瓦斯抽采量xg3、风排瓦斯量Qfp、采空区回采时间tchc、工作面瓦斯预抽时间ty、平均日产量A为优化变量,建立煤与瓦斯共采约束非线性多变量时空协同优化模型,并编制共采优化求解程序。优化了沙曲矿24207共采工作面,提高了资源采收率和效益,验证该模型的有效性,实现有理论依据的煤与瓦斯时空协同采。


    Abstract: The realization of coal and gas co-extraction is an inevitable way to exploit deep coal resources.The engineering application of coal and gas co-extraction technology in China has already taken rudiment, but currently the basic theoretical system of coal and gas co-extraction has not yet been established, which should have validity, scientificity and pertinence to the co-extraction technology.Because of the poor time-effect, poor synergy, low efficiency of gas extraction and the tense production succession relationship in the co-extraction of coal and gas, it leads to coal mining before the gas extraction meeting the standard, causing a greater potential safety hazards to coal mining.At present, it is not clear how much the reasonable value of gas extraction and coal extraction should be, how long the gas extraction should take, and how the coal mining and gas extraction work should be connected.In the coal and gas co-extraction, while pursuing the maximization of the total financial returns from the two resources, the maximum recovery rate of coal and gas resources should be satisfied, and the optimal coal and gas extraction quantity should be sought, which makes the coal mining system and gas extraction system interact from disorder to orderly coordination.Based on the synergy and theory of system optimization, the model of coal mining and gas drainage is established.Under the premise of meeting safety regulations and gas extraction standards, the mutual promotion and restriction relationship between coal mining at key time points and space points of gas pre-extraction, production gas extraction, and extraction of gas in goaf during coal and gas co-mining and gas extraction is a constraint.The optimization objective function is coal recovery rate, gas recovery efficiency and economic benefit maximization.The factors such as mining cost, coal price, safety factors and macro policy are taken into account, taking coal production amount, pre-mining gas drainage quantity and gas drainage quantity in mining, gas drainage quantity in goaf, gas discharge quantity by air, extraction time in goaf, pre-drainage time of gas in working face, average daily yield as optimization variables, a nonlinear constrained multi-variable spatiotemporal cooperative optimization model of coal and gas mining is established, and a program for solving co-mining optimization is developed.In a case study, the 24207 co-mining working face of Shaqu Coal Mine is optimized, and the results show that the resource recovery efficiency and benefits are improved, and the validity of the model is verified.The study achieves a spatiotemporal co-mining of coal and gas with a theoretical basis.


