冯国瑞, 张玉江, 戚庭野, 康立勋. 中国遗煤开采现状及研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 151-159. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1280
引用本文: 冯国瑞, 张玉江, 戚庭野, 康立勋. 中国遗煤开采现状及研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 151-159. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1280
FENG Guorui, ZHANG Yujiang, QI Tingye, KANG Lixun. Status and research progress for residual coal mining in China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 151-159. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1280
Citation: FENG Guorui, ZHANG Yujiang, QI Tingye, KANG Lixun. Status and research progress for residual coal mining in China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 151-159. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1280


Status and research progress for residual coal mining in China

  • 摘要: 我国煤炭开采储采比低,对我国煤炭资源的可持续开发带来严重挑战,而历史原因造成浅部大量优质煤炭资源未能有效采出,形成了遗煤。通过对遗煤储量计算及遗煤开采矿井的统计,分析了我国遗煤储量、储采比、赋存类型、开采特点、遗煤开采研究现状及尚需解决的关键技术问题。研究表明:全国遗煤可采储量约400亿t,初次回采率不高于20%的遗煤可采储量达271.6亿t,占全部遗煤可采储量的67.4%,开采价值巨大;遗煤对储采比的增加率呈现东高西低的趋势,东部地区平均增加95.9%,中西部地区平均增加51%;15个省份进行遗煤开采,其可采储量347.1亿t,约占全国遗煤可采储量的86%;遗煤开采在2006年前后呈现不同趋势,2006年前,88.5%的遗煤开采矿井集中于东部产煤省,2006年后中西部产煤省开始大量进行遗煤开采;在地域上东部遗煤开采矿井占全部的65.82%,山西省占24.1%,可见遗煤开采集中在东部省份以及中部的山西省;遗煤类型可分为整层、分层、块段及组合遗煤4类,块段遗煤分布最广,东西部遗煤主导类型不同,东部以边角煤和保护煤柱为主,中西部则以小煤窑破坏区遗煤为主;遗煤开采研究在遗煤探测技术、遗煤开采理论及技术和遗煤开采灾害防治技术3个方面取得了进展。但遗煤开采是一个复杂的系统工程,在遗煤开采危险源探测、遗煤开采方法、遗煤开采矿压显现规律及岩层控制方法、老空区水、气赋存和运移规律及治理、遗煤开采灾害防治新型材料方面仍需深入研究。


    Abstract: The drop of the coal reserve-to-production (R / P) ratio leads to a challenge on sustainable coal mining in China. Due to the historical reasons,a large number of high quality coal resources which have not been effectively mined in shallow areas form residual coal. Reserves calculation and mines statistics of residual coal were conducted. A discussion concerning the distribution characteristics of residual coal reserves,R / P ratio,types and mining,research status and key technological problems to be solved was presented. Research shows that the recoverable reserves of re- sidual coal may reach 40 billion tons and the recoverable reserve of initial recovery rate below 20% is about 27. 16 billion tons,accounting for 67. 4% of the total recoverable reserves. Increment rate of residual coal R / P ratio in the east which is average of 95. 9% is more than the west which is average of 51% . Residual coal mines distributing in 15 provinces and their recoverable reserves are 34. 71 billion tons,accounting for 86% of all the residual coal recoverable reserves. Residual coal mining operations showed different trends around 2006. Before 2006,88. 5% of the residual coal mines were concentrated in the eastern coal-producing provinces,after which began to appear in the central and western coal-producing provinces. In terms of the region,the east residual coal mines account for 65. 82% of the total, while Shanxi Province accounts for 24. 1% . It shows that residual coal mining operation is concentrated in the eastern provinces and Shanxi Province. The residual coal could be divided into the block-section,full-seam,slicing and com- pound type,in which the block-section is the most widely distributed type. The dominant type is different between the east and the west. The dominant types are edge coal and protective coal pillar in the east,while is damage areas of small coalmine in the middle and west China. Residual coal mining research in the residual coal detection technology, the residual coal mining theory and technology and disaster prevention and control technology of residual coal mining aspects have made some progresses. Because residual coal mining is a complicated system engineering,therefore,some further studies in terms of hazardous sources detection of residual coal mining,mining methods,pressure display law and rock strata control method of residual coal,law and treatment of water and gas occurrence and migration in goaf, and new materials for the disaster prevention and control of residual coal mining are still needed.


