范立民, 孙魁, 李成, 高帅, 陈建平, 仵拨云, 彭捷, 郑苗苗, 姬怡微, 蒋蒙. 西北大型煤炭基地地下水监测背景、思路及方法[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 317-329. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1617
引用本文: 范立民, 孙魁, 李成, 高帅, 陈建平, 仵拨云, 彭捷, 郑苗苗, 姬怡微, 蒋蒙. 西北大型煤炭基地地下水监测背景、思路及方法[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 317-329. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1617
FAN Limin, SUN Kui, LI Cheng, GAO Shuai, CHEN Jianping, WU Boyun, PENG Jie, ZHENG Miaomiao, JI Yiwei, JIANG Meng. Background,thought and method of groundwater monitoring in large coal base of northwest China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 317-329. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1617
Citation: FAN Limin, SUN Kui, LI Cheng, GAO Shuai, CHEN Jianping, WU Boyun, PENG Jie, ZHENG Miaomiao, JI Yiwei, JIANG Meng. Background,thought and method of groundwater monitoring in large coal base of northwest China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 317-329. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1617


Background,thought and method of groundwater monitoring in large coal base of northwest China

  • 摘要: 我国14个大型煤炭基地中,西北地区分布有神东、陕北、黄陇、宁东、新疆等5个,2018年原煤产量占全国的46.28%。这些煤炭基地地处干旱半干旱地区,水资源贫乏,煤炭开发对含水层的扰动强度较大,甚至造成含水层结构损伤,地下水渗漏,水位下降并引发一系列环境问题。通过科学规划和采煤技术方法革新,调整煤炭开发布局和采煤技术方法,最大限度的减轻煤矿区含水层损伤,已经取得成效,但煤炭开发对地下水扰动动态影响的监控,必须通过建立矿区地下水监测网才能实现。论述了西北煤炭基地地下水监测网建设的背景和思路,介绍了陕西境内陕北、神东、黄陇三大型煤炭基地地下水网监测层位选择、建设部署及数据采集、传输与接收、管理。陕北、神东(陕西境内)和黄陇3个大型煤炭基地主要含水系统包括石炭系—侏罗系碎屑与上覆第四系松散层孔隙含水层系统、白垩系碎屑岩裂隙孔隙承压水-潜水含水系统和寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶水含水系统。地下水监测层位的选择以具有供水价值和生态意义,且受采动影响强烈的含水层为原则,陕北、神东煤炭(陕西境内)基地主要监测第四系萨拉乌苏组、第四系黄土、烧变岩和侏罗系风化基岩地下水,黄陇煤炭基地黄陇—永陇矿区主要监测白垩系地下水,渭北矿区主要监测奥陶系岩溶地下水。通过新建或改造原有水文长观孔,已经建成了由218口监测井构成的陕西境内大型煤炭基地监测网,监测数据采用自动化采集、无线传输与接收和统一管理,基本实现了监测数据的实时动态观测和规范化管理。


    Abstract: Among the 14 large-scale coal bases in China,there are five coal bases in the north-western China,including Shendong,Shanbei,Huanglong,Ningdong and Xinjiang coal base. In 2018,the output of raw coal in these coal bases accounted for 46. 28% of total production in China. These coal bases are located in arid and semi-arid area with poor water resources. The coal exploitation has strong turbulence intensity on the aquifer,and even causes structural damage to the aquifer,groundwater seepage,descending of lake level and a series of environmental problems. To mini- mize the damage of aquifer in coal mining areas,some achievements have been made by the scientific planning and in- novation of coal mining technology and methods. However,coal exploitation has a dynamic effect on groundwater dis- turbance. In order to monitor it,the authors have established groundwater monitoring network in the mining areas. This paper discusses the backgrounds and ideas of underground water monitoring network construction in the northwest coal base,China. Meanwhile,it introduces the layer selection,construction and deployment,data collection,transmission re- ceiving and management of underground water monitoring network of Shanbei,Shendong and Huanglong coal bases in Shaanxi. The main water-bearing systems include Carboniferous-Jurassic clasolite and overlying Quaternary unconsoli- dated formation pore aquifer systems,Cretaceous clastic rock pore-fissure confined-phreatic water system and Cambri- an-Ordovician carbonate rock karst water-bearing system in the three large coal bases. The selection principle of groundwater monitoring layer should consider the layer with water supply value,ecological significance,and the aquifer being affected strongly by mining. Furthermore,it mainly monitors the groundwater of Quaternary Salawusu formation loess,Quaternary loess and burnt rock and Jurassic weathering bedrock in Shanbei and Shendong coal bases ( in Shaanxi). In addition,Huanglong-Yonglong mining area mainly monitors Cretaceous groundwater and Weibei mining area primarily monitors the Ordovician karst groundwater in Huanglong coal base. The research has built the monitoring network of large-scale coal bases being composed of 218 monitoring wells by newly-build or reconstructed original hydrological long-time observation hole in Shaanxi. The monitoring system uses automatic data acquisition, wireless transmission and receiving and unified management,which basically achieves the real-time dynamic monitoring data of observation and standardized management.


