薛国强, 李海, 陈卫营, 余传涛, 常江浩, 于景邨. 煤矿含水体瞬变电磁探测技术研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(1): 77-85.
引用本文: 薛国强, 李海, 陈卫营, 余传涛, 常江浩, 于景邨. 煤矿含水体瞬变电磁探测技术研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(1): 77-85.
XUE Guoqiang, LI Hai, CHEN Weiying, YU Chuantao, CHANG Jianghao, YU Jingcun. Progress of transient electromagnetic detection technology for water-bearing bodies in coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2021, 46(1): 77-85.
Citation: XUE Guoqiang, LI Hai, CHEN Weiying, YU Chuantao, CHANG Jianghao, YU Jingcun. Progress of transient electromagnetic detection technology for water-bearing bodies in coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2021, 46(1): 77-85.


Progress of transient electromagnetic detection technology for water-bearing bodies in coal mines

  • 摘要: 老窖采空区、顶底板含水层、陷落柱、溶洞、裂隙等潜在含水体,是煤矿开采中的主要致灾因素,严重影响矿山安全生产。随着煤炭开采规模和深度的逐渐加大,地质条件和观测环境日趋复杂,此环境下含水体探测成为保障煤矿安全生产过程中遇到的巨大难题,亟需创新电磁精细探测理论与技术。瞬变电磁法能够获得地下介质的电阻率分布,由于煤矿含水体与围岩具有明显的电阻率差异,该方法成为探测含水体的主要方法之一。首先总结了煤矿含水体的赋存特征及其电磁法探测的物理基础。然后,综述了近年国内瞬变电磁探测理论、方法和技术等方面研究新进展,及其在煤矿含水体探测中的应用和前景。理论方面,重点介绍了近年被引入瞬变电磁场数值模拟的时变点电荷载流微元近场理论和矿井瞬变电磁法的物理基础——地下全空间电磁理论,这2项理论都得益于数值模拟手段的发展,近年取得了较大的发展。在方法方面,对修正式中心回线装置、电性源瞬变电磁法、半航空瞬变电磁法和矿井瞬变电磁法等新型瞬变电磁法装置进行介绍。随着相关数据处理和反演技术的发展,这些新装置开始在煤矿含水体中得到应用,并展现出与传统方法截然不同的技术特点。最后,指出瞬变电磁多分辨探测方法技术、大数据技术、煤矿多层采空区精细探测技术和瞬变电磁高分辨数据采集装备研发是近年煤矿复杂含水体探测的研究方向。


    Abstract: Geological hazards,such as goaf areas of old coal mines,roof and floor aquifers,collapse columns,karst caves,and fissures that are often encountered during coal mining have become the main hazards that endanger coal production.However,with the gradual increase in the scale and depth of coal mining,the geological conditions and observation environment have become increasingly complex,which has brought serious problems to the detection depth,accuracy,and efficiency of traditional electromagnetic methods.Effective detection of water bearing geological bodies has become a huge problem encountered in the field of coal mining.Therefore,it is urgent to innovate electromagnetic fine detection theory and technology.Transient electromagnetic (TEM) method can recover the resistivity distribution of the earth.As the water bearing bodies have big resistivity contrast with the surrounding rocks,TEM method is one of the major tools for detecting the water bearing area.This paper analyzes the research progress of TEM detection theory,method,and technology for complex structures in coal mines in recent years in China.For the theory part,the time varying point charge current carrying micro element near field theory has been introduced into the simulation of TEM method,and the underground full space electromagnetic theory has been improved with the development of numerical simulation tools.For the method part,the airborne,land based,and underground methods for near source electromagnetic detection have been developed,and a series of detection techniques suitable for airborne,land based,and underground scenarios of investigating water bearing structures in coal mines has been developed for general and detailed investigations.It is pointed out that transient electromagnetic multi resolution method,big data technology,fine detection technology of multi layer coal mine goaf and the research and development of transient electromagnetic high resolution data acquisition equipment are the research directions for detecting complex water bearing bodies in coal mines.


