葛宏飞, 孔少飞, 刘晋宏, 冯韵凯, 覃 思, 祁士华. 典型工业过程一次颗粒物实时排放特征[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(12): 4375-4387.
引用本文: 葛宏飞, 孔少飞, 刘晋宏, 冯韵凯, 覃 思, 祁士华. 典型工业过程一次颗粒物实时排放特征[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(12): 4375-4387.
GE Hongfei, KONG Shaofei, LIU Jinhong, FENG Yunkai, QIN Si, QI Shihua. Real⁃time emission characteristics of primary particulate from typical industrial activities[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(12): 4375-4387.
Citation: GE Hongfei, KONG Shaofei, LIU Jinhong, FENG Yunkai, QIN Si, QI Shihua. Real⁃time emission characteristics of primary particulate from typical industrial activities[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(12): 4375-4387.


Real⁃time emission characteristics of primary particulate from typical industrial activities

  • 摘要: 工业过程是我国大气颗粒物的主要来源之一。 为满足当前高精度排放清单的构建,亟需对 其污染物排放质量浓度的动态变化和排放因子开展实测。 基于稀释通道采样系统,对水泥生产、医 药制造、玻璃制造、纺织(燃煤锅炉)和钢铁烧结 5 类典型工业过程颗粒物进行测试,获得可吸入颗 粒物(PM10)、细颗粒物(PM2.5)、亚微米颗粒物(PM1.0)和黑碳(BC)的实时排放量,对 PM1.0 /PM2.5, PM2.5 /PM10和BC/PM2.5(质量浓度比)的日变化进行分析,更新各类一次颗粒物的排放因子。 上述 5 类典型工业过程的 PM2.5和 BC 平均日排放质量浓度分别为(1.60±1.13),(5.08±3.29),(0.14± 0.12),(0.87±0.42)和(0.79±0.30) mg/m3,以及(24.03±16.40),(40.38±20.47),(2.59±1.64), (11.44±10.02)和(5.98±4.33) μg/m3,具有明显的日变化,高值时段分别为低值时段的1.16~2.53 倍和1.57~2.40倍。 这可能与不同时间段内燃料添加改变燃烧状态和污染控制设备效率波动有 关,因此高时间分辨率污染物排放清单的构建需考虑这些日变化特征。 水泥生产行业的BC/PM2.5 为清单编制技术手册中推荐值(0.002)的 7.5 倍,钢铁烧结行业为推荐值(0.001)的 8.6 倍,且其 BC 排放因子分别为 0.11 和 0.02 mg / kg,远低于技术手册中的 230 和 2.52 mg / kg,若以技术手册中推荐 的BC排放系数建立排放清单会高估BC的排放量。 制药、玻璃制造、纺织(燃煤锅炉)的BC/PM2.5 分别为(0.009 5±0.005 0),(0.030 3±0.026 9)和(0.010 2±0.008 0),BC 排放因子分别为 0.43,0.29 和 0.68 mg / kg,技术手册中并未给出 BC 参考排放系数。 研究数据可为更新清单编制技术手册和 建立 BC 排放清单提供实测数据支撑。


    Abstract: Industrial activities are the main sources of atmospheric particulate matter in China. To meet the needs of establishing emission inventory with high resolution,it is necessary to conduct some field measurements on the dynamic emission concentrations and emission factors of air pollutants from industrial sources. Based on a dilution sampling system,this study measured the particles emitted from five typical industrial activities including cement production,phar⁃ maceutical manufacturing, glass manufacturing, textile ( coal⁃fired boiler ) and steel sintering. The real⁃time emission mass concentrations of inhalable particulate matter (PM10),fine particulate matter (PM2.5),submicron par⁃ ticulate matter (PM1.0) and black carbon (BC) were obtained. Their emission factors were updated. The daily varia⁃ tions of PM1.0 / PM2.5 ,PM2.5 / PM10 and BC / PM2.5 ratios were analyzed. Results showed the average emission concentra⁃ tions of PM2.5 were (1.60±1.13),(5.08±3.29),(0.14±0.12),(0.87±0.42) and (0.79±0.30) mg/ m3,respectively, and the average emission concentration of black carbon were (24.03±16.40),(40.38±20.47),(2.59±1.64), (11.44±10.02) and (5.98±4.33) μg / m3 ,respectively. The emission concentrations of PM2.5 and BC exhibited obvi⁃ ous diurnal variation. Their high⁃values were 1.16-2.53 times and 1.57-2.40 times of corresponding low⁃values in a day,respectively. It may be due to the change of combustion conditions as the addition of fuels in different times and the fluctuation of efficiencies of air pollution control. The daily variations of primary particulate matter should be paid attention in establishing their emission inventory. The ratios of BC / PM2.5 for cement production industry and sin⁃ tering in steel industry are 7.5 times and 8.6 times of the recommended values of 0.002 and 0.001 in the techni⁃ cal manual for inventory establishment,respectively. The BC emission factors are 0.11 mg / kg and 0.02 mg / kg,respec⁃ tively,far lower than the 230 mg/kg and 2.52 mg/kg in the manual. If the BC emission factor recommended in the manual is used,its emission amounts will be overestimated. The BC / PM2.5 ratios of pharmaceutical,glass manu⁃ facturing,textile (coal⁃fired boiler) are (0.009 5±0.005 0),(0.030 3±0.026 9) and (0.010 2±0.008 4),respective⁃ ly. The BC emission factors are 0.43,0.29 and 0.68 mg/kg,respectively. The reference emission factors of BC are missing in the manual. The data in this study can provide a dataset for updating the inventory and the values in the technical manual.


