王涛, 周托, 吕俊复, 吴玉新, 张天宇, 马有福. 660 MW燃煤锅炉屏式过热器壁温特性数值模拟研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(11): 3860-3869.
引用本文: 王涛, 周托, 吕俊复, 吴玉新, 张天宇, 马有福. 660 MW燃煤锅炉屏式过热器壁温特性数值模拟研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(11): 3860-3869.
WANG Tao, ZHOU Tuo, LÜ Junfu, WU Yuxin, ZHANG Tianyu, MA Youfu. Numerical simulation research on heat transfer characteristics of platen superheater of 660 MW coal⁃fired boiler[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(11): 3860-3869.
Citation: WANG Tao, ZHOU Tuo, LÜ Junfu, WU Yuxin, ZHANG Tianyu, MA Youfu. Numerical simulation research on heat transfer characteristics of platen superheater of 660 MW coal⁃fired boiler[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(11): 3860-3869.

660 MW燃煤锅炉屏式过热器壁温特性数值模拟研究

Numerical simulation research on heat transfer characteristics of platen superheater of 660 MW coal⁃fired boiler

  • 摘要: 在“双碳”目标的背景下,燃煤火电机组向更高参数及深度调峰的方向发展,这对于燃煤锅炉的运行提出了更高的要求,防止锅炉受热面热偏差而导致的管壁超温是其中的关键问题之一。因此,精确预测燃煤锅炉受热面的热偏差和壁温对于机组安全、稳定运行意义重大。锅炉受热面的传热及壁温特性主要受到烟气侧和工质侧的共同作用,但在通过数值模拟方法预测热偏差问题时,常将模拟过程和边界条件进行简化处理,较难精准地分析受热面的传热及壁温分布特性。针对以上问题,利用Fluent对660MW前后墙对冲燃煤锅炉进行了数值模拟,建立了屏式过热器管内、外的耦合传热模型,提出了按管内工质流动方向的顺序计算方法,并基于UDF实现了烟气侧与工质侧的传热耦合计算。研究了外二次风不同旋流角度对屏式过热器传热的影响,获得了同时考虑烟气侧和工质侧的屏式过热器传热及壁温特性。模拟结果表明,屏式过热器各管屏第22号管子出口壁面温度与实测值的相对误差在4%以内;外二次风的旋流角度由15°增加至60°,煤粉气流刚性减弱,燃烧不剧烈,煤粉着火延迟,炉膛火焰面升高,且屏式过热器的温度分布由“两端高、中间低”向“两端低、中间高”变化;当旋流角度为45°和60°时,屏式过热器的最大壁温分别为945K和965K,超过受热面材料的最大允许温度,而当旋流角度为15°和30°时,屏式过热器的最大壁温小于受热面材料的最大允许温度,故最佳旋流角度应选取15°–30°。


    Abstract: Due to the “dual carbon” target,coal⁃fired thermal power units are developing to higher parameters and deeper peaking,which causes higher requirements for coal⁃fired boilers. Preventing the over⁃temperature of the tube wall caused by the thermal deviation of the heating surface is one of the key issues. Therefore,accurate pre⁃ diction of thermal deviation and wall temperature of the heating surface of coal⁃fired boilers is of great significance for safe and stable unit operation. The heat transfer and wall temperature characteristics of the heating surface of the boiler are affected by the combined action of the flue gas side and the steam side. When predicting the thermal deviation problem through numerical simulation,the simulation process and boundary conditions are often simplified,and it is difficult to accurately analyze the heat transfer and wall temperature distribution characteristics of the heating surface. For the above problems,numerical simulation of the 660 MW front and rear wall⁃hedged coal⁃fired boilers is car⁃ ried out by Fluent,and the coupled heat transfer model inside and outside the tube of the platen superheater is estab⁃ lished. The sequential calculation method according to the flow direction of the steam in the tube is proposed, and the coupled calculation of heat transfer between the flue gas side and the steam side is realized based on UDF. Meanwhile,the influence of different swirl angles of the external secondary air on the heat transfer of the platen superheater is studied,which requires the heat transfer and wall temperature characteristics of the platen superheat⁃ er considering both the flue gas side and the steam side. From the results,it can be concluded that the relative error of the outlet wall temperature at the No.22 tube of the platen superheater is within 4% of the test values. The swirl an⁃ gle of the external secondary air increases from 15° to 60°,the rigidity of the pulverized coal flow is weakened, the combustion is not violent,the ignition of the pulverized coal is delayed,and the flame surface of the furnace is raised. And the temperature distribution of the platen superheater changes from “high at both ends and low in the mid⁃ dle” to “low at both ends and high in the middle”. When the swirl angle is 45° and 60°,the maximum wall tempera⁃ ture of the platen superheater is 945 K and 965 K respectively,which exceeds the maximum allowable temperature of the heating surface material. However,when the swirl angle is 15° and 30°,the maximum wall temperature of the platen superheater is less than the maximum allowable temperature of the heating surface material. The better external swirl angle should be 15°-30°.


