张全, 杨建, 胡骁, 刘基, 葛光荣, 王甜甜, 王周锋. 混合纳滤反渗透净化洁净预疏放水工艺和水质预测[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(4): 1647-1656.
引用本文: 张全, 杨建, 胡骁, 刘基, 葛光荣, 王甜甜, 王周锋. 混合纳滤反渗透净化洁净预疏放水工艺和水质预测[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(4): 1647-1656.
ZHANG Quan.YANG Jian.HU Xiao, LIU Ji.GE Guangrong.WANG Tiantian.WANG Zhoufeng, . Purification process and water quality prediction of clean drainage water by mixed nanofiltration reverse osmosis[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(4): 1647-1656.
Citation: ZHANG Quan.YANG Jian.HU Xiao, LIU Ji.GE Guangrong.WANG Tiantian.WANG Zhoufeng, . Purification process and water quality prediction of clean drainage water by mixed nanofiltration reverse osmosis[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(4): 1647-1656.


Purification process and water quality prediction of clean drainage water by mixed nanofiltration reverse osmosis

  • 摘要: 煤矿预疏放水属于未污染的地下水,水质优良具有开发成高质水资源的潜力,以煤矿预疏放奥灰水为对象,通过感官指数和健康指数分析法发现水质的感官指数偏低健康指数较高,为解决传统工艺产水水质感官指数和健康指数不能兼顾的问题,采用混合纳滤反渗透系统对传统工艺进行改进,通过对比NE40,NE70和NF270三种纳滤膜筛选出一级和二级纳滤膜,利用一级和二级纳滤系统分别提高水质的感官指数和健康指数,利用反渗透产水的稀释作用控制水体的溶解性总固体(TDS)在合理区间,混合脱盐系统的浓水TDS控制在1 000 mg/L以下,整个系统基于水质离子质量浓度预测公式设计一级纳滤、二级纳滤和反渗透系统的回收率。结果表明:一级纳滤系统选用NF270膜产水水质更优,预测公式显示随着回收率增加产水水质感官指数不断下降健康指数不断上升,一级纳滤采用70%回收率较为适宜,通过对比水质离子质量浓度预测值与实际值,发现预测偏差<10%;二级纳滤系统选用NE40膜更优,预测公式显示随着二级纳滤系统回收率的增加感官指数和混合产水TDS加速下降,健康指数先匀速增加后急剧减少,浓水TDS先下降后上升,其中反渗透回收率越高变化临界点越前移,当二级纳滤和反渗透系统回收率分别为50%和75%时,产水水质预测值满足健康美味水要求,同时产水预测TDS适宜为224.01 mg/L,浓水TDS控制在标准线以下为987.85 mg/L;经过实测二级纳滤系统的浓水水质并利用盐平衡得出二级纳滤和反渗透系统回收率分别为50%和75%时的真实混合产水水质,其中感官指数为2.23,健康指数为8.88,TDS为238.4 mg/L,与预测产水水质结果接近,产水水质相比原水明显提升;经济分析显示混合脱盐系统相比于传统工艺运行成本只增加了7%,无机结垢风险小,同时增加了产水水质的附加值,因此该系统具有潜在的经济效益;工艺适用性分析发现系统具有应对不同原水水质的应用潜力。


    Abstract: Coal mine drainage water is unpolluted groundwater with excellent water quality and potential to be developed into high-quality water resources. This study takes the drainage water of a coal mine in Inner Mongolia as the object. Through the analysis of Taste index and health index,it is found that the Taste index of water quality is low and the health index is high. In order to solve the problem that the Taste index and health index of produced water quality can not be considered in the traditional process,the hybrid nanofiltration reverse osmosis system is used to improve the traditional process. By comparing NE40,NE70 and NF270 nanofiltration membranes,the primary and secondary nanofiltration membranes are selected. The primary and secondary nanofiltration systems are used to improve the Taste index and health index of water quality respectively. The reverse osmosis produced water is used to control the total dissolved solids concentration of water quality in a reasonable range,and the total dissolved solids concentration of concentrated brine in the mixed desalination system is controlled below 1 000 mg/L. The recovery rates of primary nanofiltration,secondary nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems are designed based on the prediction formula of water ion concentration.The results show that the NF270 membrane produced water quality of the primary nanofiltration system is better.The prediction formula shows that with the increase of recovery rate,the Taste index of produced water continues to decline and the health index continues to increase. It is more appropriate to adopt 70% recovery rate for primary nanofiltration. By comparing the predicted value of water ion concentration with the actual value,it is found that the prediction deviation is less than 10%,NE40 membrane is better for the secondary nanofiltration system. The prediction formula shows that with the increase of the recovery rate of the secondary nanofiltration system,the Taste index and the concentration of total dissolved solids in produced water accelerate to decline,and the health index first increases at a constant speed and then decreases sharply. The concentration of dissolved total solids in concentrated water first decreases and then increases. The higher the reverse osmosis recovery rate,the more the critical point of change moves forward. When the recovery rates of secondary nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems are 50% and 75% respectively,the predicted value of produced water quality meets the requirements of healthy and delicious water,and the predicted value of dissolved total solids concentration in produced water is suitable to be 224.01 mg/L,The concentration of dissolved total solids in concentrated water shall be controlled below the standard line to 987.85 mg/L. After measuring the concentrated water quality of the secondary nanofiltration system and using the salt balance,the real mixed produced water quality is obtained when the recovery rates of the secondary nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems are 50% and 75% respectively,in which the Taste index is 2.23,the health index is 8.88,and the total dissolved solids is 238.4 mg/L,which is close to the predicted produced water quality,and the produced water quality is significantly improved compared with the raw water. The results show that it is reliable to design and adjust the recovery rate of each system of mixed desalination process based on the prediction formula. The economic analysis shows that the operation cost of the mixed desalination system is only increased by 7% compared with the traditional process,the risk of inorganic scaling is small,and the added value of produced water quality is increased. Therefore,the system has potential economic benefits,The process applicability analysis shows that the system has the application potential to deal with different raw water quality. In addition,this study is based on the analysis method of taste index and health index,which lacks a comprehensive evaluation scheme. It is necessary to further study and improve the evaluation model.


