范京道, 魏 东, 汪青仓, 封 华, 刘 渭, 刘全辉, 黄克军, 闫振国, 刘家佳, 李 川. 智能化建井理论技术研究与工程实践[J]. 煤炭学报, 2023, 48(1): 470-483.
引用本文: 范京道, 魏 东, 汪青仓, 封 华, 刘 渭, 刘全辉, 黄克军, 闫振国, 刘家佳, 李 川. 智能化建井理论技术研究与工程实践[J]. 煤炭学报, 2023, 48(1): 470-483.
FAN Jingdao, WEI Dong, WANG Qingcang, FENG Hua, LIU Wei, LIU Quanhui, HUANG Kejun, YAN Zhenguo, LIU Jiajia, LI Chuan. Theory and practice of intelligent coal mine shaft excavation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(1): 470-483.
Citation: FAN Jingdao, WEI Dong, WANG Qingcang, FENG Hua, LIU Wei, LIU Quanhui, HUANG Kejun, YAN Zhenguo, LIU Jiajia, LI Chuan. Theory and practice of intelligent coal mine shaft excavation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(1): 470-483.


Theory and practice of intelligent coal mine shaft excavation

  • 摘要: 基于煤矿建井阶段的智能化发展需求,提出了“ 智能化建井,建智能矿井” 的定义与科学内 涵,阐述了智能化建井在煤矿智能化建设中的重要作用;分析了西部地区建井面临地质条件复杂、 基础理论研究薄弱、智能化建井装备研发滞后及工程技术突破难等问题;构建了由感知层、传输层、 边缘层、平台层和执行与应用层组成的智能化建井系统总体架构,研发了由斜井掘进控制、竖井钻 进控制及综合保障系统构成的智能化建井协同控制系统;总结了煤矿智能化建井通过基础理论研 究、工艺设计、智能装备研制、控制系统研发、现场工程示范的一体化研究思路,解决煤矿建井过程 中全断面机械破岩效率低、掘进复杂地层难、地下水防治及井筒稳定性与支护困难的技术难题。 通 过延长石油集团可可盖煤矿的智能化建井工程实践,形成了斜井敞开式全断面智能掘进工法,实现 了斜井掘进“ 探-掘-支-锚-运” 一体化作业;形成了竖井“ 一钻完井” 智能化钻井工法,实现了竖井 钻进“井下无人施工”本质安全作业,打造了行业智能化建井的工程与技术示范,形成了煤矿智能 化建井的“延长模式”。 最后结合煤矿智能化发展趋势,提出煤炭行业建井应共同遵循的原则与目 标、当前工作和发展方向,并号召全行业聚焦智能化建井技术领域,推动煤矿建设向安全高效绿色 智能方向发展。


    Abstract: Based on the demand of intelligent development in coal mine construction stage, the definition and scientif⁃ ic connotation of “intelligent shaft construction, intelligent mine construction” are put forward, and the important role of intelligent shaft construction in coal mine intelligent construction is expounded. The problems of shaft con-struction in western China are analyzed, such as complex geological conditions, weak basic theory research, lagged research and development of intelligent shaft construction equipment and difficulty in engineering technological breakthroughs. The overall structure of an intelligent shaft construction system is constructed, which is composed of a perception layer, transmission layer, edge layer, platform layer, and execution and application layer. The intelligent shaft con⁃ struction cooperative control system is developed, which is composed of inclined shaft driving control, vertical shaft drilling control, and comprehensive support system. Through the base theory research, process design, intelligent equipment development, control system development, field engineering demonstration of research ideas, this paper summarizes the intelligent construction of coal mine shaft, and solves the difficult technical problems in mine shaft construction including the low efficiency of rock fragmentation in whole section shaft excavation , the dif⁃ ficulty in excavating the strata with complex formation, the prevention and control of groundwater, and shaft stability and supporting. Through the practice of intelligent shaft construction project in the Kekegai Coal Mine of Yanchang Petroleum Group, the open⁃type full⁃section intelligent driving method of inclined shaft is developed, and the integrat⁃ ed operation of “exploration, excavation, support, anchoring and transportation” is realized. It has formed the intelli⁃ gent drilling method of “one drilling and completion” in the shaft, realized the essential safe operation of “under⁃ ground unmanned construction” in the shaft drilling, created the engineering and technology demonstration of intelli⁃ gent shaft construction in the industry, and formed the “Yanchang mode” of intelligent shaft construction in the coal industry. Finally, combining with the intelligent development trend of coal mines, the paper puts forward the princi⁃ ples and objectives, current work and development direction that the coal industry should follow in shaft construction, and call on the whole industry to focus on intelligent shaft construction technology and promote the development of coal mine construction to the safe, efficient, green and intelligent direction.


