鞠金峰, 许家林, 刘阳军, 马 祥, 王晓振, 王业征, 刘 乐, 谢建林, 赵富强. 关键层运动监测及岩移5阶段规律——以红庆河煤矿为例[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(2): 611-622.
引用本文: 鞠金峰, 许家林, 刘阳军, 马 祥, 王晓振, 王业征, 刘 乐, 谢建林, 赵富强. 关键层运动监测及岩移5阶段规律——以红庆河煤矿为例[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(2): 611-622.
JU Jinfeng, XU Jialin, LIU Yangjun, MA Xiang, WANG Xiaozhen, WANG Yezheng, LIU Le, XIE Jianlin, ZHAO Fuqiang. Key strata movement monitoring during underground coal mining and its 5 stage movement law inversion:A case study in Hongqinghe Mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(2): 611-622.
Citation: JU Jinfeng, XU Jialin, LIU Yangjun, MA Xiang, WANG Xiaozhen, WANG Yezheng, LIU Le, XIE Jianlin, ZHAO Fuqiang. Key strata movement monitoring during underground coal mining and its 5 stage movement law inversion:A case study in Hongqinghe Mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(2): 611-622.


Key strata movement monitoring during underground coal mining and its 5 stage movement law inversion:A case study in Hongqinghe Mine

  • 摘要: 煤炭开采引起的岩移规律一直是采矿领域难解的“黑箱”问题,研究揭示其内部作用机制与演变过程是科学解决采矿工程系列问题的理论基础。基于岩层控制的关键层理论,采用地面钻孔原位监测方法,开展了红庆河煤矿深井特大采高开采条件下覆岩内部移动规律的实测与反演研究。结果表明,覆岩由下向上逐步运移发展的过程呈现5阶段典型分区特征,分别为覆岩超前受压变形阶段、逐层向上断裂运移阶段、覆岩整体快速沉降阶段、上位岩层向下压实阶段、以及覆岩整体稳沉阶段。依据5阶段岩移特征,拟合形成了覆岩超前运移的“类指数”岩移边界线,对应井上下超前影响范围分别为地表的340m以及煤层的99m;推演得到了关键层逐层向上断裂发展的83°断裂延伸角,对应320m埋深以下关键层发生超前断裂、以上为滞后断裂。同时,对覆岩“横三区”的具体分布进行了划分;沿走向推进剖面,“类指数”岩移边界线与关键层断裂线之间的区域为超前变形区(煤壁支撑区),对应于岩移阶段1;关键层断裂线之后、直至井上下分别滞后工作面煤壁410m和190m的区域为离层区,对应于岩移阶段2~阶段4;再后方的采空区为重新压实区,对应于岩移阶段5。覆岩关键层运动表现出对地表沉陷的显著控制作用,随着其逐层向上断裂运移,地表沉陷活跃度不断攀升,在主关键层结束其正向回转并开始反向回转时,地表沉陷开始进入峰值状态,且这种峰值的持续对应于覆岩整体的快速沉降;当上位岩层逐步压实下位岩层时,地表沉陷活跃度开始降低;直至主关键层运移稳定,地表沉陷活跃期结束、开始进入衰退期;表明地表沉陷盆地的最终形态直接受控于主关键层的运移状态。研究结果可为红庆河及其周边类似条件矿井的岩层控制、灾害防治等科学采煤实践与研究提供参考。


    Abstract: The law of strata movement caused by coal mining has always been a difficult “black box” problem in mining engineering research area. To reveal its internal mechanism and evolution process is the theoretical basis for scientifically solving many mining engineering problems. Based on the key stratum (KS) theory of strata control, and using the ground drilling in situ monitoring method, the actual measurement and inversion study of the internal movement law of the overlying strata are carried out under the conditions of large depth and extra large mining height in Hongqinghe coal mine. The results show that the process of overburden movement from bottom to top presents five typical stages, including the advanced compression deformation stage of the overburden, the upward breaking movement stage by layer, the rapid settlement stage of the overburden as a whole, the downward pressure of the upper strata and the overall stable settlement stage of the overburden. Based on the five stage strata movement characteristics, it is considered that the boundary of the overlying strata advanced movement is similar to exponential curve, the leading influence range is 340 m on the surface and 99 m on the coal seam. The angle that the KS break upwards by layer is about 83°, and the KSs below the buried depth of 320 m break advance to the face, and the above break behind the face. Meanwhile, the specific distribution of the “transverse three zones” of the overlying strata is divided. Along the strike profile, the area between the “similar exponential” strata movement boundary line and the KS fracture line is the advanced compression zone (or named coal wall support zone), corresponding to the strata movement stage 1. The area after the break line of the KS until 410 m on the surface and 190 m on the coal seam behind the face is the separation zone, which corresponds to the strata movement stage 2 to stage 4. The goaf at the rear is the re compaction zone, corresponding to stage 5 of strata movement. The movement of the KS exhibits significant control over the surface subsidence. As it moves upwardly by failure layer by layer, the activity of the surface subsidence continues to rise. When the primary key stratum (PKS) ends its forward rotation and begins to reverse, the surface subsidence begins to enter a peak state, and the continuation of this peak corresponds to the rapid subsidence of the overlying strata as a whole. When the upper strata gradually compacts the lower strata, the activity of surface subsidence begins to decrease. Until the movement of the PKS is stable, the active period of surface subsidence ends, beginning to enter a period of decline. This indicates that the final form of the surface subsidence basin is directly controlled by the movement of the PKS.


