
Correlation between soil AM fungi and physical and chemical properties in the dumping site of Beidian-Shengli Coal Mine

  • 摘要: 煤炭露天的开采破坏了地表植被,改变了土壤结构和土壤微生物(AM真菌)组成。为了研究采煤扰动条件下AM真菌与环境因子之间的相互作用关系,以北电胜利煤电基地为对象,比较研究了排土场与原生草原的植物群落多样性、地上生物量、AM真菌多样性及土壤环境因子的动态变化规律。结果显示,原生草原的植被多样性显著高于各排土场样地,且人工维护的南排土场样地的显著高于自然演替的北排土场样地。从研究区各样地土壤样本中共分离鉴定出AM真菌6科9属24种,优势的种类主要有Glomus reticulatum,Septoglomus deserticola和Acaulospora sp1,多数的AM真菌在各样地表现出较低的丰度,并具有特异的样地偏好性。植物多样性、AM真菌多样性和植物生物量3者之间呈显著正相关,与环境因子有效磷AP,铵态氮AN,总氮TN,总碳TC,碱性磷酸酶ALP呈显著正相关,与pH,速效钾AK,过氧化氢酶CAT呈显著负相关。AM真菌的丰度与土壤环境因子紧密相关,只有Glomus aggregatum与这些环境因子呈现较弱的相关性。本文结果为露天煤矿及其排土场AM真菌群落多样性及其影响影响因子的研究、以及矿区植被重建和生态修复提供数据基础。


    Abstract: Open-pit coal mining destroys surface vegetation and changes the soil structure,properties and soil microbial composition of grassland ecosystems. In order to study the interaction between AM fungi and soil physical and chemical properties during the restoration succession of open pit mines,this paper investigated the Beidian-Shengli coal and e- lectricity base in the typical grassland area of Xilin Gol,Inner Mongolia,including the correlation between plant diver- sity,aboveground biomass,AM fungal diversity,soil physical and chemical properties of the southern dumps (watering protection),the northern dumps site (near-natural restoration) and the natural grassland community outside the mine,which was formed during the coal mining period and was in different reclamation and vegetation succession status. The results showed that the plant species diversity in the study area showed that the natural grassland community was sig- nificantly higher than the dumping site and the south dumping site of the artificial watering pipe was significantly high- er than the near-naturally restored northern dumping site. A total of AM fungi which belong to 24 species of 9 genera and 6 families of AM fungi were identified in the soil. The dominant species were Glomus reticulatum,Septoglomus de-serticola and Acaulospora sp1. Most AM fungi exhibit low abundance in all areas and have specific sample preferences. There was a significant positive correlation between AM fungal diversity,plant diversity and plant community biomass. AM fungal diversity was significantly positively correlated with soil AP,AN,TN,TC,ALP,and pH. But AK and CAT were significantly negatively correlated. The abundance of most AM fungal species was closely related to soil physical and chemical factors,and only Glomus aggregatum showed a weak correlation with these factors. The results showed that the AMF diversity in the dumping site soil of Beidian-Shengli Open-pit Coal Mine was affected by vegetation di- versity and soil physical and chemical properties,reflecting to some extent the vegetation restoration succession status of the dumping ecosystem. It is conducive to the maintenance of plant diversity and community succession in the exca- vation field,and the abandonment of artificial irrigation measures to restore the artificial vegetation of the dumping site is conducive to the restoration of native plant species. The results of this paper provide a data basis for the study of the diversity of AM fungi community and its influencing factors in open pit mines and their dumps,as well as vegetation reconstruction and ecological restoration.


