
Characteristics of pulverized coal with water of low rate in three-layer flow field of high-inclined pumps

  • 摘要: 分析大斜度井段排采泵的泵筒3层流场及其液流携粉运移特性对提高排采泵的可靠性和保障煤系地层水平井和斜井的连续稳定排采具有重要意义。综合大斜度、低流速和低黏度等多因素耦合的作用,并结合大斜度泵低速液流携粉运移实验测试与分析结果,提出适用于大斜度井段排采泵低速流场的静止层、移动层与悬浮层3层流动模型,推导大斜度泵腔3层流场连续性方程、动量方程和扩散方程,建立水粉两相流动数学模型并依据数值求解和井场测试结果揭示大斜度泵分层流场低速液流携粉运移特性,为水平井和斜井的大斜度泵选型设计及其系统优化以及冲程和冲次等排采制度和煤粉防控措施制订提供依据。结果表明,大斜度井段泵腔三相流场中,增大泵倾斜角和煤粉密度会增加悬浮层和移动层的压力梯度,其中泵倾斜角的影响尤为显著,移动层压力梯度受煤粉密度的影响相对较弱;增大水粉两相流煤粉体积分数时,移动层沿程压力损失始终增加,而悬浮层压力损失先是不断增加而后逐渐减弱;增大水粉两相流黏度会增加悬浮层和移动层的压力梯度,而增大液流携粉运移流量时,移动层沿程压力损失持续减小,且流量越大时压力损失减小的趋势越明显,而悬浮层的压力损失先是显著减小而后趋向平缓;大斜度井段柱塞伴随杆柱运动的过程中,大斜度泵入口处的水粉两相流煤粉体积分数随柱塞速度不断减小而逐渐增大,且速度波动对3层流场中悬浮层煤粉沉积的影响要小于其他2层。


    Abstract: Dynamic performance on the coal flow with water in three-layer field is essential for the reliability of pump and normal operation of horizontal and inclined wells.Model of three-layer flow field in high-inclined pump is set up based on the experimental results of water-coal two phase flow.The equations of continuous flow,momentum and diffusion and the mathematical model of water-coal two phase flow are developed under the coupling conditions of high inclination,low flow rate and low viscosity.Characteristics of pulverized coal with the water of low flow rate in three-layer flow field is analyzed through the numerical simulation and field test.It provides the basis for the design of high-inclined pumps and pumping systems and the measures of pumping stroke and speed and coal control in horizontal and inclined wells.The results show that the pressure gradients of suspension and moving layer are enhanced with the increases of pump inclination and coal density.The effect of pump inclination on pressure gradient is more obvious than that of coal density in three-layer flow field of high-inclined pumps.The increase of coal concentration leads to the improvement of pressure loss in suspension and moving layer and then the decrease in suspension layer The increased two-phase viscosity results in the increased pressure gradient in suspension and moving layer.The increase of flow rate leads to the inclined pressure loss in moving layer and the pressure loss decreases rapidly with high flow rate.Pressure losses in suspension layer decrease with the increased flow rate and then trend to be stable.Coal concentration near the entrance increases with the decreased velocity of the plunger during the motion of sucker rod.Moreover,the effect of velocity fluctuation on coal deposition in suspension layer is less obvious than that in other layers.


