
Support increasing resistance forms of macroscopic roof support and its prediction model

  • 摘要: 回采工作面顶板活动引起支架动态增阻,为预测支架工作阻力随时间演化过程,采集石圪台煤矿31201工作面、千树塔煤矿13302工作面、长平煤矿5302工作面2 263个割煤循环矿压监测数据,分析不同回采阶段的支架增阻规律。根据支架工作阻力演化特征,将支架增阻曲线划分为第1类增阻曲线和第2类增阻曲线。引入广义开尔文模型和Maxwell模型描述宏观顶板的缓慢和剧烈活动,建立四区支撑的宏观顶板增阻预测结构模型,预测长平矿综放开采支架增阻过程,研究结果表明:① 典型顶板支架增阻曲线可以划分为2类。第1类增阻曲线由顶板缓慢活动引起,呈收敛特征,支架增阻力和增阻率小;第2类增阻曲线由顶板剧烈活动引起,支架增阻明显且增阻率大。② 长平5302工作面来压期间支架第1类增阻曲线概率为38.2%,第2类增阻曲线概率为61.8%。③ 基于四区支撑的宏观顶板增阻模型能较好地预测回采期间支架增阻过程。④增加初撑力能够减小支架增阻率和增阻量。⑤长平5302工作面支架为第1类增阻曲线时,支架工作阻力不超过11 MN,安全阀不开启。当支架为第2类增阻曲线时,6.2 h支架工作阻力达到11 MN,安全阀开启。为了避免支架压架事故,5302工作面应在6.2 h内完成1个采煤循环。


    Abstract: The roof movement of working face by mining leads to the change of support work resistance. To predict the evolution of the working resistance of support, the mine pressure monitoring data of 2 263 coal cutting cycles in 31201 working face of Shigetai coal mine,13302 working face of Qianshuta coal mine and 5302 working face of Changping coal mine were obtained in this paper. The increasing resistance laws of support in different mining stages for typical roof were investigated. According to the characteristics of resistance increase, the first and second type resistance increasing curve were presented. The generalized Kelvin model and Maxwell model were employed to describe the slow and strenuous movement of macroscopic roof, and the resistance increase prediction model of four area of macroscopic roof was established. Then the support increasing resistance evolution was predicted by the model proposed. The results show ① under typical roof conditions, the resistance increase of supports can be classified into two types of resistance increasing curves. The first type resistance increasing curve is caused by the slow movement of the roof. It is convergent, and the increasing resistance rate is small. The second type of increasing resistance curve is caused by the strenuous roof movement, and the resistance increasing rate is large. ② The probability of the first type and the second type resistance increasing curves during periodic pressure is 38.2% and 61.8%, respectively.③ Then the support increasing resistance evolution can be better predicted by the resistance increase prediction model of four area of macroscopic roof. ④ With the initial support force increasing, the resistance increasing rate and resistance increasing force of the roof all decrease. ⑤ When the resistance increasing curve of the support at the Changping 5302 working face belongs to the first type, the working resistance is less than 11 MN, and the safety valve does not open.When the resistance increasing curve of the support belongs to the second type, the working resistance reaches 11 MN in 6.2 h, then the safety valve opens. To prevent the support crushing, the coal mining and production cycle should be completed within 6.2 hours for 5302 working face.


