葛世荣, 胡而已, 裴文良. 煤矿机器人体系及关键技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 455-463. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1478
引用本文: 葛世荣, 胡而已, 裴文良. 煤矿机器人体系及关键技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(1): 455-463. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1478
GE Shirong, HU Eryi, PEI Wenliang. Classification system and key technology of coal mine robot[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 455-463. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1478
Citation: GE Shirong, HU Eryi, PEI Wenliang. Classification system and key technology of coal mine robot[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(1): 455-463. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YG19.1478


Classification system and key technology of coal mine robot

  • 摘要: 我国煤炭开采已从机械化、自动化正逐步向智能化迈进,煤矿智能化是涉及煤炭资源勘查、矿井建设、煤矿开采、安全保障、洗选分销等多个环节的系统工程,煤矿智能化发展需要经历自动化、信息化、互联化、智能化4个阶段,研发推广应用煤矿机器人是实现煤矿智能化、无人化的重要途径。综述了当前我国煤矿机器人领域的研究现状,科学阐明了煤矿机器人的概念和定义,详细分析了煤矿机器人研发历程和未来技术产品发展趋势。研究了煤矿机器人的分类方法,针对煤矿机器人的不同面向对象、作业区域、功能属性,构建了科学合理的煤矿机器人分类体系,从作业类型角度将煤矿机器人划分为掘进、采煤、运输、安控、救援五大类,结合目前机器人和人工智能技术领域的先进技术发展水平,按照由易到难、先零后整、各点突破、整体推进的基本原则,规划了不同种类、层次煤矿机器人的研发路径。提出了煤矿机器人研发过程中亟需突破的八大共性关键技术,包括:煤矿机器人防爆安全设计理论及方法、长续航高能量密度机器人动力技术、井下受限封闭环境下机器人自主精准定位导航技术、煤矿机器人的高可靠抗干扰通讯技术、煤矿复杂环境下机器人智能感知与险情识别技术、井下机器人群协同控制决策机制、煤矿机器人可靠性测试评估方法、煤矿机器人模块化设计方法,初步建立了我国煤矿机器人研发技术体系。


    Abstract: China’s coal mining is gradually moving toward intelligence from mechanization and automation. Coal mine intelligence is a systematic project involving coal resources exploration,mine construction,coal mining,safety protec- tion,coal washing and distribution,etc. . The four stages of intelligent coal mining development are automation,infor- matization,interconnection and intelligence. However,the R&D and application of coal mine robot is the most impor- tant way to realize intelligent and unmanned coal mine. The current research status of coal mine robot in China was re- viewed in this paper. Firstly,the concept and definition of coal mine robot were scientifically expounded. The develop- ment process and development trend of the coal mine robot were analyzed. Also,the classification method of coal mine robot was studied. Therefore,a scientific and rational classification system for coal mine robot was constructed for dif- ferent object-oriented,work areas and functional attributes of coal mine robot. Furthermore,the coal mine robot was divided into five categories with different functions:excavation,coal mining,transportation,safety control and rescue. Combining the current state of the technologies in robotics and artificial intelligence,the research approach of different robots with different stages was discussed. Finally,the urgent technologies in the development of coal mine robot were proposed,including explosion-proof safety design theory and method of coal mine robot,robot power technology with long-term battery life and high energy density,the robotic precise positioning and navigation technology under the min- ing environment,high-reliability anti-jamming communication technology of coal mine robot,robot intelligent sensing and environment accurate identification technology in complex coal mine environment,coordinated control decision mechanism of underground robot group,the reliability test evaluation method,and the modular design method of coal mine robot.


