刘万里, 张学亮, 王世博. 采煤工作面煤层三维模型构建及动态修正技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(6). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.ZN20.0364
引用本文: 刘万里, 张学亮, 王世博. 采煤工作面煤层三维模型构建及动态修正技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(6). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.ZN20.0364
LIU Wanli, ZHANG Xueliang, WANG Shibo. Modeling and dynamic correction technology of 3D coal seam model for coal-mining face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(6). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.ZN20.0364
Citation: LIU Wanli, ZHANG Xueliang, WANG Shibo. Modeling and dynamic correction technology of 3D coal seam model for coal-mining face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(6). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.ZN20.0364


Modeling and dynamic correction technology of 3D coal seam model for coal-mining face

  • 摘要: 高精度工作面煤层三维模型是实现无人开采的有效保障,但现阶段构建的煤层三维模型普遍存在以静态模型为主且垂向分辨率较低的问题,为满足无人开采对煤层三维模型高精度的要求,煤层三维模型必须要有一个动态精细修正的过程。 为此,在详细分析了煤层三维模型不确定性影响因素基础上,提出一种煤层三维模型的动态精细修正技术,进而提升煤层三维模型局部精度,实现工作面的有限透明。 主要思路是在工作面的不断推进过程中,动态融入回采作业中最新探测的工作面激光扫描数据、顶/ 底煤厚数据和采煤机截割轨迹信息,采用二次序列规划法精确计算出煤层三维模型局部区域的修正值,并利用克里格空间曲面插值法把修正值插入到煤层三维模型中,这样利用上一回采阶段新揭露的修正数据去动态修正下一回采阶段的煤层三维模型,如此逐级递进,逐步求精,从而提升煤层三维模型精度,使修正后的煤层三维模型更准确地表达出工作面实际煤层的结构信息,为工作面无人化开采控制提供关键基础数据。 在斜沟煤矿试验结果表明工作面推进前100刀修正后煤层垂向误差绝对值小于0.2m区域比修正前提高了将近一倍,证实了该研究方法可有效提高采煤工作面煤层三维模型局部精度,提升煤层三维模型的实用价值和应用程度。


    Abstract: The high accuracy three dimension (3D) coal seam model is an effective guarantee to realize unmanned mining,however,at present the 3D coal seam model commonly has the problems of static unchanged model and low vertical resolution. In order to meet the requirements of high accuracy 3D coal seam model applied in unmanned min- ing face,the 3D coal seam model must have a process of dynamic precision correction. Therefore,based on the detailed analysis of the influencing factors of modeling uncertainty of 3D coal seam,a dynamic precision correcting technique for the 3D coal seam model is proposed in this paper,which can be used to improve the local accuracy of the 3D coal seam model and realize the limited transparency for coal-mining face. The mainly ideas of this technique are illustrated as follows:first of all,during the constant moving of the coal-mining face,the laser scanning data,roof / floor coal thick- ness and the shearer cutting path information will be dynamically integrated into the 3D coal seam model. Secondly,the quadratic sequence programming method is used to accurately calculate the correction values for the local area in the 3D coal seam model. Also,the Kriging space interpolation algorithm will be used to insert these correction values into the 3D coal seam model. Thirdly,the newly coal seam information revealed at the last stage will be used to dynamically correct the next stage values of the 3D coal seam model. With a step by step iteration and refinement,thus,the accura- cy of the 3D coal seam model is improved,which also really expresses the coal-mining face information based on the modified 3D coal seam model,and provides the key data of unmanned control in coal-mining face. Finally,the experi- mental results carried out in Xiegou Coal Mine proved that the vertical error value within 0. 2 m of the 3D coal seam model local area is improved nearly twice after the correction using the proposed technology during the coal-face mov- ing with one hundred cutting,also,the accuracy in the 3D coal seam model local area and the practical application val- ues are improved.


